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Anonymous Hotline

As JSC TBC Bank is committed to conduct its business with integrity, professionalism, honesty and standards of ethics, has implemented Anonymous Hotline through which you have ability to submit online information regarding incidents/ violations where the employees of the Bank or Its subsidiaries are involved and consists of the following:

  • Participation in fraudulent, corruption, money laundering schemes;

  • Violations of the Bank's internal policies, regulations, instructions;

  • Employee discrimination;

  • Ignoring conflict of interests;

  • Criminal offences (such as burglary/robbery, falsifying documentation);

  • Any type of inappropriate conduct that may jeopardize the Bank's interests, cause financial or reputational damage and/or complicate the working process for any of the Bank's employees.

You are able to submit information anonymously through the following secured web pages:

Please note, that the Anonymous Hotline is not intended for complaints regarding Service Quality, Product Conditions or Technical Deficiencies.

Besides Anonymous Hotline there are following channels for reporting violations/incidents implemented in the Bank:

For further information on incident management and a whistleblower's protection terms please see the FAQs.